HengGu Office Building




Square meters:




HengGu Office Building

未来综合体写字楼,不再是刻板印象中盒子,而是专业 于创意办公,商务休闲等集成的理念,用设计改变生活 方式,人与人,人与环境和谐共生,让未来更智能,展 现感性与理性的交互。创新精神将走出传统写字楼的刻 板与苍白形态,迎向未来综合体的时尚。

The future comprehensive office building is no longer a box in the stereotype, but a professional concept of creative office, business and leisure integration, etc., changing the way of life with design, harmonious coexistence between people and people, people and the environment, making the future more intelligent, showing the interaction between sensibility and rationality. The spirit of innovation will move out of the stereotype and pale form of traditional office buildings and move towards the fashion of future complexes.

天然的石材纹理及尺度, 让空间品质干净、大气。极具现代主义色彩。让大家走出传统,使工作洋溢着生命力。

Natural stone texture and scale, let space quality clean and atmospheric. Very modernist color let everyone go out of the tradition and make the work overflow vitality.

线面的灵动游离,沉稳黑色的运用, 以及灯光线条的虚实相生,让空间美演绎的愈加平衡,自然流动的秩序美,就此应景而生。

The flexible flow of the line surface, the use of calm black, to and the virtual reality of the light lines, so that the beauty of the space is interpreted the increasing balance of the natural flow of the order of beauty, on this born of the moment.

晨飞大厦,设计构想是将商业和文化和谐共融。 独特的建筑语言深入未来综合体写字楼的方方 面面,呈现出丰富多样的空间品质,使得人与 建筑之间产生流畅的共鸣。大堂在富有层次的造型下,带出了更多鲜活的时代意识,高级 而不冗杂,有力而不夸张。墙壁立面分割的造型也让空间的立 体感显得更加强烈,灯具设计上很大程度对建筑立面线条的演化。

Chenfei Building, designed to integrate business and culture in harmony. The unique architectural language penetrates deep into the square surface of the office building of the future complex, presenting a rich and diverse spatial quality, which makes the smooth resonance between people and buildings. Under the rich and layered shape, the lobby brings out more vivid awareness of the times, advanced without cumbersome, powerful and not exaggerated. The shape of the wall façade division also makes the vertical feeling of the space more intense, and the design of the luminaires has greatly evolved the lines of the building façade.

在沿袭传统写字楼各项配套设施的 基础上,创新一步,增添更多功能 性的设施。建筑装饰不是一个静态 的完成品,而是一个动态的有机体, 需灵活适应市场及运营的要求。可 根据实际招商空间及功能需求进行 改造。

On the basis of inheriting the various supporting facilities of traditional office buildings, we will innovate one step and add more functional facilities. Architectural decoration is not a static finish, but a dynamic organism that needs to be flexibly adapted to the requirements of the market and operation. It can be transformed according to the actual investment space and functional requirements.